Sunday, July 5, 2009

Experiencing the Border of Canada and USA

It is not strange for most Canadians to walk through the border to USA, which is just like a piece of cake only if you have the US visa. For me, this is the first time standing on the border of Canada and USA without a visa, because I didn't really mean to enter into USA. I just wanted to formalize the immigration landing for my son.

My son didn't have immigrant status before and only got the visa recently. How do I formalize the landing for him because he was already in canada? Does he go back to China and come back again? After consulting the CIC, the most convenient way is to go to the border of Canada & USA to land. So, My son and I experienced going through the border without visa.

The nearest border is of course, Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls near Toronto. I have known about the Niagara Falls for a long time, but I had never been there to see the Falls personally. Now I finally had a chance to go there. Landing in Canada and visiting the Falls are indeed killing two birds with one stone. It was noon when we arrived at the Niagara Falls. I didn't have mood to enjoy the view of the one of seven world's wonders because I had more important thing to do. My son just asked me when he could see the rainbow. When we got to the Falls, the Rainbow Bridge could be also seen. That is really a ordinary bridge and doesn't match its name " Rainbow" one bit. If this bridge didn't have the political and historical significance, it would have been just one of numerous ordinary bridges.

The exit from Canada is a small room and I couldn't almost recoganize it from the appearance. It is simpler inside. Only two coin-changing machines are there and two turnstiles with coin slots. It costs $0.5 per person, $0.25 before. On the glass door opposite the gateways, there are two words " To USA". By just putting in 2 coins, I could enter to USA, which is as easy as entering into the subway. Pushing the glass door, the long bridge greeted us. This bridge is divided two parts by the fence, one for walking and the other for vehicles. Standing on the bridge, the completed falls are all in eyes. The splendid view attracted us to turn the heads to see it often. After 5 minutes, we arrived at the entry of USA. Some immigration officers were on duty. One of them came to ask me to show our ID. I explained my intention as I showed him all the documents for my son. But, the officer asked for my passport. Oh, I had forgotten to bring my passport with me. I showed my PR card to him and tried to explain. The officer frowned and asked us to wait, then he came back. I was so afraid to wait there and all kinds of bad results flooded into my mind. About 10 minutes later, the officer came out and gave me a paper and told me everything was ok. I was totally relieved. So, my son and I returned to Canada. The latter procedure was very simple, like getting through the airport. The whole landing only needed half an hour.

When we walked out from the customs, I told my son," You can stay with mom forever." But my son asked me," Can we go to see the rainbow?" Yes, yes!We can enjoy again the beautiful Falls.

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