Monday, April 27, 2009

Auto Workers Retain Their Jobs!

After the protest organized by CAW last week, the auto workers and Chrysler accepted the labour concession voted over the weekend, which not only saves lots of money a year for Chrysler but who protects the workers' jobs. That may be good news for both sides. Although some benefits of workers are cut, the base pay is still retained. That is better than getting laid off. For Chrysler, saving such amount money a year is indeed beneficial in the current
global economic crisis.

Who wants to be laid off? Who wants to get a wage cut? Nobody! But, a big companywhich wants to survive in the economic crisis, only adopt some methods for self -surviving, e.g. cut down the cost including physical and material and get the bailout from the government. Otherwise, they will face the bankruptcy, which would be terrible for both workers and company. I think CAW played an important role in this event. The auto workers should appreciate CAW helping them save the jobs and Chrysler should appreciate CAW persuading the workers to agree to the wage cut. So finding a job you must check if there is union that would give emplyees a lot of help. I am glad to see this result. Under the current situation, having a job with a not-too-bad salary is a lucky thing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter activity in Community Church

Several days before the Easter holidays, I got information about the activities for Easter. Joseph told us a lot of stories about Easter day, which aroused my interest in this religious festival. It happened that I received an invitation card to attend a celebration held by a community church. That was good news for me!

I had never heard about this community church before. And this church is not real church, but just a satellite of Agincount Penticostal Church. This activity was held in a primary school nearby. On Easter Sunday, when we arrived, a lot of people were there. The first activity was an egg hunt that the children loved. The children were divided into different groups according to their ages and led by a team leader to hunt eggs outside. My son was excited about this and he hunted 4 bags chocolate eggs. Then, the adults were invited to the gym to listen to a gospel message. The most interesting thing was live music! It was wonderful. It was a pity I couldn't listen to the Christian because I had to accompany my son to attend the children games outside. I am surprised that they prepared plenty of games for children, such as blowing bubbles, playing parachutes and the telling Christian stories . My son enjoyed playing these games even though it was his first time coming here.

When the activities were over, the community church served lunch for all. I enjoyed this activity also. And I hope I have more opportunity to attend activities like this. I found out that there are activities every Sunday morning for children and adults. I must go there!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Snowing in April

I have never seen snowing in April. But now I saw in Toronto. It is difficult to see snow in Beijing because of the cause of enviroment change, even seeing snow in April. My son is very exciting for such heavy snow even if he went to LINC under the heavy snow and strong wind with us. He even refuse to hold umbrella because he wanted to touch the snow flakes using hands. He asked me why squirls didn't come outside. And if they would feel cold.

I saw on TV that there were usually snowing in April. And this snowing was not heavy than before. Maybe next snowing will be come soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My real start of LINC life !

This week, we really started my LINC study. My son finally agreed to stay in daycare associated with LINC. Although I spent three days staying with him in daycare last week, it was worthful indeed. I love him and hope he can adapt himself to the new environment smoothly.

I like English also. It is exciting for me to come back to school to study after a long time, and it is free. During the past month in Toronto, I realize the importance of language and perish this opportunity much more.

Yesterday, my son asked me a question.,"Why do these people here speaking English rather than Chinese?" I don't know accutually. Anyway, we have to adapt oursleves to this and work hard for this together. It is surprising to me that my son learned an English sentence: You're welcome!

See, studying English is not difficult.

By the way, from April 1, CAF-linc will be run by Microskills( . That is good news.