Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My son favorite songs

These two sons are my son's favor. I like them also. Sharing with everyon and enjoy it.

Rain Rain, Go away

Rain, Rain, Go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. Go away.
Come again another day.
MOMMY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. Go away.
Come again another day.
BROTHER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. Go away.
Come again another day.
SISTER wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. Go away.
Come again another day.
BABY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, Rain. Go away.
Come again another day.
ALL THE FAMILY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Thomas and his friends

They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew

All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth sheds or far away,
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and friends

Thomas he's the cheeky one
James is vain but lots of fun
Percy pulls the mail on time
Gordon thunders down the line
Emily really knows her stuff
Henry toots and huffs and puffs
Edward wants to help and share
Toby, well let's say, he's square

They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew

All with different roles to play
Round tidmouths or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and friends

They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew

All with different roles to play
Round tidmouths or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and friends

Thomas the Tank Engine Web Log

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hiking on the Sunny Day

Last weekend, I took part in a hiking activity called “Celebrate Spring” held in Don Valley. Don Valley Hills and Dales is a walking route recommended by the Toronto Recreation website and many hiking clubs. Before that day, I knew little about Canadian hiking. I didn't know there were so many walking clubs in Toronto and didn't know Canadian hiking is so organized. The experience of this hike indeed let me feel Canadian enthusiasm and love towards this sport.

The start and end of this hike is Todmodern Mills which is an art gallery now. This building dating from 19th century looks new against the background of green grass and yellow daisy flowers. This hike is the first of many hikes for the season. Every attendee got a white T-shirt from the organizer to paint on. So children were the main players naturally. My son always loves to doodle. Painting on the T-shirt is the first time for him. He was very exciting. All painted T-shirts were laid on the lawn for drying. It can’t be imaged how amazing it is.

The walk was a one-hour journey, starting from 11:00am-12:00pm and led by a experienced guide. We walked north along the Don River. On the way, many bicycle lovers passed by from us rapidly. They were all equipped riding the mountain bicycles. Their bodies
were splashed with mud as they rode over puddles, but they didn’t care about this and still kept going. We all admired their spirits. When the bikers passed, we would yeild to them and let them through, and we would also cheer them on “go, go….”. Another group of people got our admiration were the paddlers. The Don River is said to be a place the paddlers love. Although the river is not too big, it is not easy to paddle the boat in the rushing water. These paddle lovers looked very excited and tried their best to struggle with the river. They also didn’t forget to wave and cheer to express their joy. According to the guide, this place were covered with a glacier which had a thickness of 4 times of CN Tower 8,000,000 years ago. After several hundredthousands of years, the glacier gradually disappeared, and all that was left were two rivers surrounded around two mountains. At the two rivers, only one remains. That is Don River. When we walked on the top of the hills, we could see the CN Tower clearly and noisy cars below the hills. Nature is really full of magic. We can’t see the glacier any more, but we can see more beautiful scenery and the harmony of mankind with nature.

One hour not seems as long as we imagined before. We arrived at the end quickly and started to eat our snacks. We were bathed in the sunshine, smelled the flavour of grass and flowers, and listened to the laughter of children. I have never felt such comfort and ease. Life is so beautiful!

Monday, May 4, 2009

How to deal with stress?

Everyone will have stress, especially for newcomers like us. We are facing language, job and survival challenges. The more you think aobut it, the more you will be scared by all the unknown and known barriers awaiting. What should we do?

Some will suggest finding a solution. Yes, you can. But under most of situation, you can't find a
solution. Maybe you are conflicted and don't how to choose when facing the situation of "to be or not to be." Maybe you don't have any hint and don't know where sto tart from. So no solution can be found. What will you do? My advice is to imagine the worest situation and trying not to think too much more.

Maybe not every people knows what the most important is for her/him. Think it over and you will realize nothing else is important was being able to stay with your family healthy. You may not have much more money;you may not have an admirable job and you may not have a beautiful house. It doesn't matter. You have family and every member is healthy. That is ok. Only when you know this point, you won't be broken by stress. When you face the stress, you may say to youself "I don't do like this, at most I will lose this position or I won't get more money or I start from scratch." Forget! I still stay with my family healthy. That is ok for me. If you can think about this point, ok, you won't break down!

Stress always originates from youself. Setting a higher goal and thinking more will always trap you into a difficult situation. Knowing what the important to you can help you make a decision. Maybe my advice is not necessarily siutable for everyone. But you may give it try. Hope everyone has a stressless life.